Wanted: Billionaire's Wife is now available!

Well, it was available beginning in May, but yes, still available!

I started to write romance in….let’s just say a while ago. I took at class in “Writing the Romance Novel” at UCLA Extension, taught by Barbara Ankrum, and the words began to flow.

And that’s the book I sold to Harlequin Desire, right?

Well, no. That resulted in a historical romance set during the War of 1812. It’s still on a hard drive. Somewhere.

I continued to study privately with Barbara. I joined RWA. I wrote more. And more. I did NaNoWriMo. And Camp NaNoWriMo. I took additional classes in novel writing from UCLA Extension and elsewhere.

I wrote…let’s see. A chick lit novel set in Hollywood. Another historical romance that will definitely see the light of day, someday, because I’m still in love with the idea. A YA romance set in Hollywood. A new adult-ish romance set in Hollywood (there’s definitely a trend, but then they say to write what you know and thanks to my day job, I knew Hollywood). A space opera/fantasy mash-up. And I’m sure there are others I am forgetting.

Wanted: Billionaire’s Wife started as a contest entry. I received good feedback and placed second, but it went back under the bed with all the other manuscripts. Then Harlequin Desire had a submission blitz. If writers sent in three chapters and a synopsis, they were guaranteed to receive feedback from an editor. So I dusted off the old manuscript, did some polishing, and sent it in.

My feedback: They wanted to see the full!

Only one problem: the rest of the manuscript was in pretty bad shape. But the deadline for RWA’s Golden Heart contest was approaching. I used that deadline as the carrot I needed to keep my butt glued to the chair. I finished the manuscript the afternoon the contest closed.

The book went on to final and then win the Contemporary Romance: Short category.

And then I sold to Harlequin Desire!

So, long story short:

Keep writing.

Never give up.

Use contests and submission blitzes as deadlines, if you need to (although RWA ended the Golden Heart this year and has yet to announce any firm replacement, there are many other contests and opportunities for feedback)

And if you want to read Wanted: Billionaire’s Wife, you can find a list of stores here. Or find it in libraries or on Overdrive!